NEW Player Development Opportunities!, News (Embro Minor Hockey)

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Sep 23, 2024 | Natalie Berg | 901 views
NEW Player Development Opportunities!
Deadman Hockey X EMHA presents new player development opportunities in Embro!

Embro Minor Hockey is thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Deadman Hockey for Skill Development this year!

We will be offering 2 different player development opportunities this season:
  1. Deadman will come out for our Monthly Player Development on Tuesday nights as we have done in the past. This will be for U8 and up. This cost is covered by EMHA and free to all EMHA players. 

  2. New for this year, we will be offering extra player development for a fee. There were requests for more player development opportunities in our year end survey. There was a positive response to paying a minimal fee. So ,we have reached out to Deadman to provide some sessions on Friday nights during the 7:00 - 8:20 PM ice time. We have split the ages into groups. There will be a younger age group paired with an older age group i.e. U7 and U18. The younger group will go on for the first half, older groups will be on the 2nd half. This will be offered to U7 and up. Each age group will get 4 ice times for the cost of $50 per player. Goalies may participate with no cost to them if they are dressed to play net.  If they are not dressed as goalies and want to participate, they will be required to pay the fee.

Deadman Hockey Player Development 
Where: Embro Community Centre 
When: Friday nights - dates TBD (4 sessions)
Cost: $50
Registration: HERE 
Payment: Please send your payment via etransfer to [email protected]. *Include the players first and last name as well as the word "development" in the memo line.*
Please note, dates are subject to change throughout the schedule. Please watch the calendar for updates. We will only be running this program if we have enough player interest.
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