If you have registered players in previous years, your email address will be recognized with your password (If you forget your password, you can have it emailed to you – click “Forget Password”).
You will be taken to the following page:

Click “Register now” and follow the online instructions and register all the players in your household. Most of the information is mandatory so if you are not advancing, the program will alert you that information is missing. The system will also ask you to "review” at the end of the registration process.
Registration for New Players:
Before you can register a new player, one parent from your household must complete the Respect in Sport for Hockey Canada Parents Program. Once completed, you can set up a Hockey Canada profile and register with EMHA.
Click on this link Respect in Sport Program for the program.
Once you have completed the Respect in Sport Program and have generated a Hockey Canada profile, you can register for hockey in Embro at Registration
You will have to create your own account or “sign up” using your email and a password.
Please upload first time players birth certificates to their HCR profiles or email to Dana Colman at [email protected]
For assistance or questions for new players, email Dana Colman at [email protected]
Fundraising Calendars:
EMHA will continue to do fundraising through our calendar lottery program. It is part of the registration process for players registering for the U7 – U18 programs. The calendars are allotted to families in the following way:
Oldest or Only player registered
Receives 10 calendars
$250.00 added to registration cost
Second player registered
Receives 5 calendars
$125.00 added to registration cost
Third player registered
No calendars
No added cost
Fourth player registered
No calendars
No added cost
Your family can choose to sell all the calendars or keep them and take a chance on winning in the daily draws. If you elect to sell the calendars, Embro Minor Hockey asks that you do not sell to anyone under the age of eighteen.
During the registration process, you will come across this screen about calendars:

You will need to click on the blue plus sign, for each child you register (up to 2, remember the subsequent children are not charged for calendars). If you are registering 2 players, it looks like you are charged $500 instead of $375. There is a multi-player discount that will be applied to your account later in the registration process.
When all players are registered for your family be sure to click on the “Proceed to checkout “Icon and continue with the payment portion of the transaction. Your child is not registered with EMHA unless payment is made.
Log out of the Hockey Canada registration page when you are done. (You can always log back into the registration page if you want to clarify information or print off another receipt in the future).
An Email will be sent to EMHA’s registrar when your registration is complete.
Payment For Registration:
There are two payment plans (payment plans include both registration fees and calendar fees):
Option 1: Full payment upon registration
Option 2: Installments: Initial payment due at time of registration and one subsequent payment on August 31, 2024. This August payment will automatically come off your credit card.
Registration will close July 31st, 2024. There will be a $50.00 late fee applied to those who register after July 31st. 2024.
Important Notes:
The following criteria must be met before your player can be on the ice in September.
1. All on-line payments have been received (registration and calendars) by September 1st, 2024
Registration numbers will dictate teams' structure within the levels. EMHA wants our players to succeed at every level. The Board will decide on team structures when they review the total registrations for the 2024- 2025 hockey season. We will follow the Team Split/Team Selection policy that is posted on the website.
Please contact Dana Colman ([email protected]), if you have any questions or concerns about the registration process.
Please check the EMHA website frequently for important news. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Thank you for registering with Embro Minor Hockey Association – we look forward to seeing you in the fall.
EMHA Executive